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******************************* - JG-L PHOTOGRAPHS - - PAGE TEN - PICTURES FROM THE ARCHIVES: PART ONE ******************************* The images in this section are from long ago and far away, as the movie says, but will give a general idea of the development of The Creature over the years. Included are all of the original pictures taken of my first model, these consequently published by House Of Milan/CalStar Direct, in Hogtie Magazine. Since that time, those images have been plastered all over the web on assorted Pony Girl and Horse Women sites, as well as a host of others. THESE pictures are the JG-L originals. ******************************* ORIGINAL HARNESS DESIGN IMAGES The pictures below were taken back in Ottawa in the early 1980's and show the basic design of my harness and its intent. Although not the best of quality, I feel that these images get the idea across pretty well and point towards future developments. ******************************* ORIGINAL PICTURES (1) OF MY PONY GIRL/HORSE WOMAN HARNESS These pictures, and those that will come in future up-loads, were taken in Montreal, in the middle of January, about a year after I'd created the first version of the harness. On one of my many trips to Los Angeles, to browse through the warehouse of CalStar Direct, I showed Jim and Barbara copies of my pictures, and within the year they'd been published in Hogtie, Volume 4, Issue 5. Additional images of 'Jenny' (above) will be loaded incrementally in the next pages (11, 12, & 13) that follow in this section. ******************************* CALSTAR DIRECT IMAGES OF THE PONY GIRL VIDEOS We immediately began working on the video's Pony Girl (Parts One and Two) and had such illustrious characters as Traci Lords and Pia Sands as our stars. By default, I appeared in the video's as the bad ass, male lead 'Jay', and had an absolute ball. I STILL have the black hat I wore in the video's. The two initial releases were eventually combined into one video, entitled 'Pony Girls At The Ranch'. I still have all three. Above is the advertisement that started the ball rolling. It was mailed out to all of the CalStar customers and apparently made a big hit. Plenty of theses videos were sold in Europe and I feel were more than a little instrumental about bringing the whole 'hyman equine' scene to a greater awareness of the scene in general. The cover art of the the first versions of Pony Girl with a couple of the end panels in the middle that I managed to salvage. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of the cover art of the final version, Pony Girls at the ranch. I'd be most grateful if anyone out there has any of the complete boxes and could send me hi-resolution scans of all sides of them. Perhaps I could off the bribe of a copy of my most recent story. If you have the data and wish to send me the scans, please get in touch with me through the contact area of this site. ******************************* IMAGES OF ANOTHER MODEL (1) The pictures that follow were taken in Ottawa, after I'd become a little more adventurous about asking ladies to model my equipment. Still looking pretty geeky and nerdish at that time, I suppose I looked relatively harmless and so a friend and I cleaned up the loft of a carpentry shop, then turned it into a rudimentary studio. My model thought it was a hoot to do all this weird stuff and it was then that I realized, it has to be fun for us all. Additional images of the model above will be loaded incrementally in the next pages (11 & 12) that follow in this section ******************************* CALGARY ADVENTURES Thanks to the good offices of my friend Jim at CalStar Direct (still a good and close friend after these many years), I got to meet one of the classic scene writers of the day, F.E. Campbell. As matters turned out, Frank lived in Calgary, Alberta (an expatriate Brit.) and I was soon in contact with him. We rapidly became good friends and over the years that followed, enjoyed playing with many of his local ladies as well as sharing many other areas of mutual interest outside the scene. Frank was the very definition of the Classic English Gentleman and fell into the role of 'Fellowes' (one of his most famous fictional characters) with ease and the correct accent. He guided many of my efforts at writing and I owe him a debt of gratitude for all of his assistance and friendship. ******************************* F.E. CAMPBELL'S FELLOWES COVER ART (1) The scanned images below show the classical art style of Ashley for the illustrations contained within the 16 Fellowes books written by Frank Campbell. They're rare now, what with everyone seeming to want electronic media images. Without getting on my usual soap box, I can only say that these small books were a joy to read and gave a clear picture of the impeccable man who wrote the stories that the images hint of. The remainder of Ashley's wonderful cover art will follow in succeeding uploads, and then the back panel art, in two sections after that on the next pages in this section. ******************************* SELF-PORTRAITS Self portraiture in costume is always a difficult exercise, but necessity IS the mother of invention and I managed to get the images below over a period of many hours. I suppose I'm a pack rat as well as a sensation slut and so here's some really corny stuff. It's apparent in the photographs above that the employment of rubber enclosure, combined with the sensations of wearing The Creature body harness was something I wanted to experience and enjoy. However, another thing came along: my interest in going the TV route and that can be seen also. And then the other latent part of my personality really came into bloom when I began to play with e-stim and vacuum /suckling sensations both separately and together. The vacuum acted to intensify the affect and sensation of the e-stim and life got truly 'interesting' when I couldn't get at the controls! Idiocy you think? Absolutely! I had and still have a grand time playing with the gear. It wasn't until 2003 that I finally obtained a custom made, thick rubber cat suit that permitted the use of e-stim and vacuum together while enclosed in the thick rubber. ******************************* THE GUEST BED, WITH ACCESORIES My Whine Cellar initially started out as a spare bedroom, but being the person I am, I'd soon perverted it into a Guest Room with a difference. It seemed though, that I was the only one who spent time there and on the bed. ******************************* - JG-LEATHERS PHOTOGRAPHS - INDEX & ARCHIVE PAGE IS HERE - - HOME - |